The woman behind the mom

Everyone starts somewhere right?

Mine started 15 years ago. Hopefully My thoughts and experiences will help show other they are not alone.

First...everyone has a blog,I'm not sure if you'll read this ,or well anyone. Here I am baring my all for the world. If i dont i just may explode.

I've been  mom for 11 years. 11 years of no's,wiping noses,crying,cleaning, heartache, love,poop-yespoop, joy,hope,loss,anxiety, confusion. I've been a mom first and always.

What about the person behind the mom? Why do we as woman always put everything and everyone first while the men take a back seat?

Moms stuggle... its the ugly truth. We fight and cry,then get up and do it all again!

My story started out with a bang...I almost lost my son,my baby, at 23 weeks gestational age. My son destroyed everything I thought I had known. He changed me from one path and tossed me on other.

I'm bisexual or am I? Am I just a lesbian who is too afraid to understand what I want and need and fight against it? I'm married. I've been married for almost 7 years Nd been with my husband for 8. He was the last man I decided to give a chance. I had sworn off men and the thought of them,but I met my husband. I feel hard and married fast , we now have 2 beautiful children, did i mention i have never truly experienced a orgasm ? I have to help myself every time or well the first 6 years I just faked it. I got so amazing at faking it that is became all I could do.

I crave the human touch but not that of a mab,never a man. Why? I love my husband,I have no ideA what i would do without him. Hes my rock. Is that enough? I'll get into that soon...

Did I mention I'm a foster mom? 3 kids of my own and 3 of my brothers children living with me as well. To top it off,my mother is living with me as well..o the Joy's right?

So many stories,each one with have their own time
...for now,I'm just a mom,a very tired mom.
